The grove of venerable Oregon white oaks (Quercus garryana) growing on my property has inspired the name for my small country garden. In the summer, their leafy canopy provides dappled mid-afternoon shade to protect the daylily blooms from the hot summer sun. In the fall, their brown leaves flutter to the ground to create a crunchy brown carpet. Their bare gnarled branches provide an interesting silhouette against the winter sky. Although my emphasis is on daylilies, I also take pride in my roses, clematis and other perennials. I plant annuals, such as zinnias and petunias, amongst the daylilies. My garden is now an official American Hemerocallis Society (AHS) Display Garden! Visitors are welcome (please email me first!). Even if you can't visit in person, you can get a glimpse of the landscape by taking this web tour...